Celtic Girl Names & Irish Girl Names - IrishWishes (2024)

Aedammair– from aedh “fire.” Aodhamair.

Ailionora– (e-le-NOH-ra) Irish = Eleanor.

Ailis– (AY-lish) “noble, kind.” Irish = Alice, from Norman French name Aliz.

Aine – (AW-ne) Old Irish: aine “brilliance, wit, splendor, glory.” Aine was the daughter of Fer I (Man of the Yew) and queen of the fairies of south Munster; was believed to live at Knockany (Cnoc Aine, “Aine’s Hill”). Aina, Anne. One of the best Irish girls names.

Airmid– (AIR-mit) daughter of a physician Dian Cecht who was one of the Tuatha De Danann, an expert in the use of herbs for medicinal purposes.

Aisling – (AH-shleeng) Old Irish= aislinge “dream, or vision.” Once a man’s name, but now a popular woman’s name. Also = Ashling. One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Andraste– “victory.” British war goddess worshipped by Queen Boadicia.

Anu– (AW-noo or AN-oo) Mother of the goddess of the Tuatha De Danann, Anu or Ana (AW-nee), the goddess of fertility, cattle, good health, prosperity, and plenty. Anann.

Aoife – (EE-fe) Old Irish= Aife,a goddess means “beautiful,or radiant.” Aife = Female Celtic Warrior Name. After the hero Cu Chulainn, defeated her, she bore his only son, Connla. One of our favorite Celtic girl names as it iconally Irish.

Badb – (BIBE) “boiling”, “battle raven”, or “scald-crow.” A war goddess and wife of war god Net; sister of Morrigan, Anu, and Macha. Associated with the Cauldron of Life, enlightenment, inspiration, wisdom. Badhbh. One of our favourite female celtic warrior names.

Bairrfhionn– “fair-haired.” Barrfind, Bairre, Barre, Barron.

Banba – according to ancient Irish legend, Ireland was first called “the island of Banba of the women.” One of the three goddesses of sovereignity who Amerigin met when he invaded Ireland.

Bean Mhi – (BEN-vee) “Lady of Meath.” Benvy. One of the best Irish girl names.

Beare– name of a Spanish princess who married Eoghan Mor. A peninsula on the southwest tip of Ireland is name for her.

Becuma– a woman from the Otherworld who married Conn Cetchathach, but lusted after his son Art.

Berrach– “pointed or sharp.” Bearrach.

Bevin – (BAY-vin) Old Irish=be “woman” + binn “sweet, melodious.” Name of several early Irish queens and saints, including a 12th C. abbess of Derry so this is one of the oldest Irish girl names. Modern Irish Bebhinn.

Binne– (BEE-ne) Old Irish=binn “sweet, melodious.” Binne was the name of several fairy women in legend.

Boann– (BOO-an) goddess connected with healing and water.

Brenda – from the Irish-Gaelic word for “raven”, and a feminine also can be the male name Brendan. Brenna.

Briana– (BREE-a-na) Feminine also can be Brian.

Brid – (BREED) Old Irish goddess name from Celtic brig “power, renown, mighty.” Most famous woman saint of Ireland is Brigid (patron saint of scholars), who was abbess of Kildare, previously the site of the shrine of a pagan goddess of the same name.

Brighid (BRI-jid), Bride, Brigid, Brigit, Bridget, Berget, Bridey, Bryg, Gitta. Nicknames – Bridie, Bidelia, Bidina, Breda. One of our favorite Celtic girl names as it iconally Irish. One of our favourite ancient Celtic female names.

Bryg– (BREE) from Celtic root brig “high, mighty.” Name borne by 13 early saints which makes this one of the oldest ancient Celtic female names. Variant of the name Brighid.

Doirind– see Doireann. Dairinn.

Doneele– feminine version of male name Don, from the Irish god of the Underworld.

Donnfhlaidh– “brown princess.” Rarely found in history. Dunlaith, Dunflaith.

Druantia – (Druh-AN-tee-a or druh-an-TEE-a) a Gaelic-Celtic Goddess known as Queen of the Druids and Mother of the tree calendar, an ancient method the Celts used to divide their year.

Dubh– from dub “dark.” A druidess who drowned the rival for her husband’s affections. Her husband shot her with his sling, and she fell into a pool that was then called Dubhlinn, or Dublin. One of the best female Celtic names.

Dubheasa– (doo-VAH-sa) Old Irish=dub “dark” + ess “waterfall”, probably meaning “dark lady of the waterfall.”

Dubh Lacha– wife of Mongan, who was born the same night as she. She was kidnapped by Brandubh and rescued with the help of Cuimhne.

Eabha– (AY-va) from From the Old Irish Eva. In legend, Eva was one of the wives of Nemed, and early invader of Ireland.

Eachna– (AK-na) Old Irish=ech “horse.” Early legend has a Connacht princess named Eachna who was one of the loveliest and cleverest women in the world. Echna.

Eadan– (AH-dan) Old Irish=name Etan, borne in one tale by the beloved of the hero Cu Chulainn.

Earlene– “pledge.”

Eavan– (E-van) Old Irish=aibinn “fair form.” Name of several legendary Irish princesses. Modern Irish Aoibheann.

Ebliu– another name of the sun goddess; or the Irish word oiph “beauty, sheen, radiance.” Eibhliu, Eblenn, Eibhleann.

Edana– “ardent or flame.” Ethna, Eda, Eithna.

Eibhilín – (ay-LEEN) “light”; from French Aveline, brought by the Normans, and very popular among the Middle Ages’ nobility. Eibhlihin, Eily, Ebliu, Aibhilin.

One of our favorite Celtic girl names as it iconally Irish.

Eilinora– (EL-eh-nohr) from a Greek name meaning “light.” Eileanoir, Lean (LEHN).

Eilis– (AY-leesh or EH-leesh) “consecrated to God.” Irish= Elizabeth. Eilise.

Eithne– (AY-he-ne or ETH-nuh) “kernel” or “seed.” Early Irish name. Mythical Eithne was the mother of the god Lugh.

Also the name of many legendary queens, including the wives of Conn of the Hundred Battles and Cormac mac Airt.

Also the name of eight saints. Anglicized Ethna (ET-na), Enya (EN-ya). One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Elatha– (AHL-a-hah) An old name meaning “art or craft”; a female or male name.

Elva– (AL-va) legend says she was the sister-in-law of the god Lugh.

Emer – (EE-mer or ah-VAIR) In legend, Emer was the wife of hero Cu Chulainn.

She refused to marry him until he answered a series of riddles, for she would only marry the man who was her equal in noble birth, beauty and wisdom.

She is said to have the six gifts of womanhood: beauty, chastity, needlework, sweet speech, voice, and wisdom.

Her story is retold in William Butler Yeats’ play The Only Jealousy of Emer. Eimer.

Ernine– from iarn “iron.”

Etan– (eh-TAIN) a daughter of the great Tuatha De Danann physician Dian Cecht, who became the wife of the god Ogma.

Etaoin – (AY-deen) Old Irish=et “jealousy.” Legendary heroine surpassed all other women in beauty and gentleness.

Heroine in the tale The Wooing of Etain, telling of the competition for her love between the fairy king Midir and the mortal king Eochaid Airem. Eithne.

One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Celtic Girl Names & Irish Girl Names - IrishWishes (1)

Fand– a goddess of healing and pleasure in Ireland and Isle of Man, who married the sea god Manannan mac Lir.

Fianait– (FYAN-it) Old Irish word for “deer.” Two early saints by this name. Fionnait.

Fedelm– name of Conchobhar mac Nessa (king of Ulster, Fedelm Noichrothach (Nine-Times Beautiful). Feidhelm (FAY-delm).

Fenella– feminine version of the name Finn. Fionnghuala.

Fethnaid– daughter and accomplished harp player of Fidach, a bard of the Tuatha De Danann. Her death was considered to be one of the three great losses of the Tuatha. Fethnat.

Fidelma – (fee-DEL-ma) Old Irish=name Fedelm. Fedelm Noichrothach (Fedelm Nine-Times-Beautiful) was the daughter of King Conchobar mac Nessa of Ulster, and a female Celtic Warrior. Also six Irish saints by this name. Modern Irish Feidhelm (FAY-delm).

Finnsech– “fair or blonde lady.” Finnseach.

Fionnabhair– (fyuhn-OOR) Old Irish=name Finnabarr: finn “bright, fair” + siabhre “phantom, fairy”, Irish equivalent of Welsh Gwenhwyfar (Guenivere). Legendary Finnabarr was a daughter of King Aillil and Queen Maeve of Connacht. Fionuir.

Fionnuala– (fi-NOO-a-la or fin-Noo-la) Old Irish=finn “bright, fair” + guala “shoulders.” Popular in Middle Ages; later anglicized as Finola (fi-NOH-la); nickname Nuala (NOO-a-la); Fionnguala, Fionnula, Gweneth, Finvola, Fenella (Scotland).

Flann– (FLAHN) Old Irish=flann “blood red.” Flann has been the name of poets, scholars, abbots, saints, queens and kings. Flann Feorna was king of Kerry in the 8th C., and an ancestor of the O’Connors. Flannacan, Flanna.

Flannery– from the Irish for “redhead.”

Flidais– an Irish goddess of forests, woodlands, and wild creatures.

Fodla– “sovereignty.” An ancient goddess with Banba and Eriu.

Fuamnach– a wife of Midir, the fairy king, and very jealous of his other wife Etain. She got rid of Etain by using magic and turning her into a fly.

Geileis– (GAY-leesh) Old Irish=name Gelgeis: gel “shining, bright” + geis “swan.” Name of several early Irish princesses. Also Geillis.

Glenna– from a Gaelic word meaning “glen” or “valley.” Glynis.

Gobnait – (GOHB-nit) Old Irish=gobha “a smith.” Name of early saint and abbess of Munster. One of her miracles was to overcome an army by unleashing her bees on them.

Her beehive, a holy relic, was kept for many years by the O’Herlihy family. Anglicized Gobnet.

Gormlaith – (GOORM-la) Old Irish=gorm “splendid” + flaith “queen, sovereignty”; other sources say it beans “Blue princess” or “illustrious princess.”

Popular in Middle Ages, name of many queens, including wife of Brian Boru. Sometimes anglicized as Gormley.

Grania – (GRAW-nya) Old Irish=grainne “grain, seed.” Prob. name of an ancient Irish grain goddess.

In a medieval tale, Grainne was betrothed to Finn mac Cumhaill, but eloped with Diarmaid.

Grania Mhaol Ni Mhaolmhaigh (Grace O’Malley) was a chieftainess of the Burkes of County Mayo and renowned for her seafaring skills and fought against Queen Elizabeth I’s forces. Granna, Grain, Grainne (GRAW-ne) most modern).

Granuaile– a variation of the name Grania, but also the name of an actual Irish woman who lived from 1530-1603.

Isibeal– (ISH-a-behl or i-se-BEL) From Norman French name Isabel.

Isleen– (ish-LEEN) “vision.” Islene.

Ite, Ide– (EE-te) Old Irish=ite “thirst or devouring.” Saint’s name said to signify the thirst for divine love. 6th C. Saint Ite was abbess of Killeedy in County Limerick. Composed a famous lullaby to baby Jesus. Ita.

Jilleen– from the Latin name Juliane or Julius, meaning “youthful.”

Kacey– variant of Casie.

Kaitlin– variant of Caitlin.

Keara– “saint”; variant of Ceara.

Keavy– “gentleness, beauty, grace.”

Keelin– “slender, fair.” Keely, Keelia.

Keena– from the Irish word for “brave.”

Kelly – from the Gaelic word for “warrior woman.” At an ancient shrine of the goddess Brigit at Kildare, there were sacred priestesses and warrior women called kelles, and its possible the name and surname came from them.

Kenna– version of male name Kenneth. Kennice.

Kennocha– (ken-OH-kuh) “beauty.”

Kerry– from a Gaelic word for “dark, dark-haired”; Keriann.

Kevyn– “beautiful.” Keva.

Kiley– from the word for “attractive.” Kyli, Kylee.

Labhaoise– (LAU-ee-shuh) “holiness”; Louisa, Louise.

Laoise– “radiant girl”; might be the same as Luigsech, from the god Lugh.

Lasair– (LOH-seer) Old Irish=lassa “flame.” Several queens and saints with this name, including Saint Lassar of Meath. Luighseach, Luiseach, Luigsech.

Liadan– (LYAH-dan) From the Old Irish, probably meaning “gray lady.” A poetess who was the beloved of poet Cuirithur, even though she was a nun.

Another Liadan was the mother of Saint Ciaran of Seir. He was conceived after she swallowed a star that had fallen into her mouth while sleeping.

Luiseach– (LOO-seh or LEE-sak) “bringer of light”; Feminine also can be Lugh, and name of an early saint. Luighseach, Lucy.

Mab– (MEEV) “drunk woman” or “wolf queen”; a goddess and fairy queen. Mabh.

Macha– (MAH-ka) Old Irish goddess name meaning “battle” or “crow.” One of the three war goddesses of the Tuatha De Danaan.

Name is associated with the royal site of Ulster, once Emain Macha (Twins of Macha), now Navan Fort, and nearby ecclesiastical site founded by Saint Patrick, Armagh (Ard Macha “Hill of Macha”). Saint Macha is patron of Killiney. Mania, Mene.

Celtic Girl Names & Irish Girl Names - IrishWishes (2)

Maeve – (MAYV) from Old Irish Medb “intoxicating” or fragile.” Medb Lethderg was a name of the goddess of sovereignty at Tara. Said to be the wife of 9 successive kings, including Conn of the Hundred Battles, his son Art, and Art’s son Cormac mac Airt.

Modern Irish Meadhbh. Medb. One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Máire– (MAW-zhe, MAW-re or MEH-ree) “bitter”; Irish= Mary. The name was considered too sacred to name a child and was not used before the 17th C. Children were given Mael Muire “devotee of Mary.” Moira, Maura, Maurya, Mairin (maw-REEN).

Máiréad– (MAW-rayt or MAW-reed) from Greek margaron “pearl.” Popular due to admiration of Saint Margaret, queen of Scots in 11th C. Peig, Peigi are popular Irish-language nicknames. Margaret, Maighread (MEH-reed).

Mairin– (maw-ZHEEN, maw-REEN) Dim. of Maire, also Maureen.

Margo– (MOHR-gaw) Legend fairy and mother of Etain.

Margreg– Irish version of Latin Margareta. Popular in Ireland after Malcolm III of Scotland married Margareta of the Hungarian Court, who later became a saint. Mairghread.

Medb – “intoxicating” or “she who makes men drunk.” Medb, Maedhbh, Meadhbh.

Mell– (MAHL, MAH-la) Old Irish=mall “lightning.” Mell, sister of Saint Kevin, was the mother of seven saints. Mella (MAH-la).

Mess Buachalla– translation is “Cowherd’s Fosterchild.” Name of the daughter of Etain and Cormac.

Moina– “mild.” Moyna.

Mona– (MOH-na) Old Irish=name Muadnat, derived from muad “noble, good.” Saint Muadnat of Drumcliffe. Muadnat, Muadhnait (MOO-uh-nit).

Moninne– a version of the name Blinne. A Saint Moninne worked at a Kildare hospital in the time of Saint Brighid where she healed the sick and gave generously to the poor. She established a community at the foot of Slieve Gullion in Killevy, County Armagh.

Mór – (MOHR) Old Irish=mor “great, tall.” Popular until the 19th C. Moire, Morin, Moya, Moirin, Mre, Moreen.

Moriath– daughter of a Gaelic king, she was wooed and won by Craiftine. One of the best female Celtic names.

Morrigan– (MOHR-ee-gan) called the Great Queen, Irish goddess of war, but never took part in a battle. Later tales have her as the queen of the Fairies. Morrighan, Morgan.

Muadhnait– from muad “noble, good.” A Saint Muadnat founded a monastery in Drumcliffe, County Sligo.

Muireann– (MEER-an or MOHR-in) Old Irish=muir “sea”, may also mean “sea-white” or “sea-fair.” Wife of Finn mac Cumhaill’s son Oisin. A legendary Queen Muireann was ancestrss of the kings of Connacht. Four abbesses of Kildare also had this name.

Muirin– (MEER-een) Old Irish=muir “sea” + gein “birth” or “born of the sea.” In the 6th C., a 300 year old pagan mermaid with this name was captured in Lough Neagh by fisherman of Saint Comgall. Comgall baptized her, enabling her to go to heaven. Muirgen, Muirenn.

Muiriol– (MEER-ol) Old Irish=Muirgel muir “sea” + gel ” bright, shining.” Muirol was the name of several early queens of Leinster.

Muirne– (MEER-ne) Ancient name meaning “high-spirited.” Muirne Munchaem (Lovely-Shouldered Muirne) was the mother of Finn mac Cumhaill. Myrna, Morna.

Murine– sister-in-law to Lugh and mother of Fionn. After Fionn’s father’s death, Murine was unable to protect him, so she left him in the car of a druidess and a woman warrior.

Myrna – derived from the Irish word for “beloved.”

Naomh – from the Irish word for “a saint.” One of the best female Celtic names.

Narbflaith– “noble princess”; listed in records as the name of a series of princesses and the name of a wife of an abbot of Trim, County Meath.

Neala– femimine version of Niall, “champion.”

Nessa– (NES-ah) An From the Old Irish, Nessa was the name of the mother of Conchobar mac Nessa, great legendary king of Ulster. Her original name was Assa “gentle”, until one day she came home and found her 12 foster fathers murdered by an outlaw band. She avenged their deaths and changed her name to Ni-assa “ungentle”, or Nessa.

Nevina– feminine also can be Nevin, “worshipper of the saint.”

Nia– variant of Welsh name Niamh. Nya.

Niamh– (NEE-av) Old Irish=Niam “luster, sheen, brightness, radiance, brilliance” Legendary princess of Tir-na-nog (the Land of Youth), took Finn mac Cumhaill’s son Oisin to the otherworld. Niam, Nia.

Nila– feminine version of male names Neil and Niall. Nyla.

Nola– short version of Fionnula. Nuala.

Nora– (NOH-ra) Irish version of Latin name Honora. Norah.

Orla – (OHR-la) from Old Irish or “gold” + flaith “sovereignty, queen.” Name of King Brian Boru’s sister and daughter. Popular in the Middle Ages, and again today. Orlaith.

Ornice– “olive-coloured.”

Celtic Girl Names & Irish Girl Names - IrishWishes (3)

Padraigin– (PAH-dri-geen) Recent feminine also can be Padraig, from Latin word for “noble.”

Payton– also can be male name Patrick or Padraig.

Quincy – “fifth.”

Rionach– (REE-uh-nak) Old Irish=name Rignach “queenly.” Queen Rionach was legendary ancestor of the MacLoughlins, O’Donnells, O’Gallaghers, O’Gormleys, and O’Neills. Rioghnach, Riona.

Rori– from the word meaning “famous” or “brilliance.”

Ros– (ROHS) derivation unknown, poss. from Germanic hros “horse” or English “rose.” Roise, Roisin (row-SHEEN).

Ryann– feminine version of Ryan, “little ruler.”

Rylee– variant of Riley. Rylyn.

Sadhbh – (SAH-eev or SAYV) Old Irish=Sadb, prob. meaning “sweet” or “goodness.” Name of several real Irish princesses, including daughters of Conn of the Hundred Battles, Queen Medb of Connacht, and King Brian Boru. Sive, Sadhbba, Sadbh, Sabhbh, Sabha (SE-va). One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Saoirse – from Irish saor “freedom or libery”; also a male name. One of the best Irish girl names as saoirse is a well known word for freedom in Ireland due to the rebellion to British rule.

Saorla– (SAYR-la) Old Irish=name Saerlaith: saer “noble” + flaith “queen, sovereignty.”

Saraid– “clear, bright.”

Scathach – (SKAW-hak) Old Irish=scath “shadow, shade.” Scathach was a legendary woman warrior and prophetess who gave final battle training to Ulster hero Cu Chulainn (of the Ulster Cycles Mythology); she was also known as Scota and Scatha.

Sceanbh– wife of the harper Craiftine, her betrayal with Cormac caused the harper to try to kill Cormac.

Seana– variant of names Sine an Shauna.

Seanait– (SHAY-nat) Old Irish=name Segnat, derived from seig “a hawk.”

Shanley– “the hero’s child.” Shanleigh.

Shannon – (SHAH-non) “wise one”; name of the longest river in Ireland, from the old Irish goddess Sinann, granddaughter of Manannan Mac Lir. Not used as a first name in Ireland. Shanna. One of the best female Celtic names.

Sierra– derived from word for “black.” Seara.

Sile – (SHEE-la) “blind”; Irish= Cecilia. Sheela, Sheila. One of our favorite Irish girl names.

Sine– (SHEE-na) in County Derry, a variation of Sinead. An Irish= French Jeanne and Jeanette. Sina, Seena, Sheena, Shena, Shana, Shauna, Shay, Shona, Shonda, Shawnda, Shonta, Shunta.

Sinead – (shi-NAYD) Irish version of French-Norman names Jeanne and Jonet. Sine (SHEE-na). One of our favorite Irish girl names as everyone had a friend called Sinead growing up.

Siobhan – (shi-VAWN) from French-Norman name Jeanne, fem. also can be Jean (equiv. of English John). Siban, Shibahn, Siobhanin (shi-VAWN-een). One of our favorite Celtic girl names because of how difficult it is to pronounce for foreigners.

Siomha– (SHEE-va) Old Irish=name Sithmaith: sith “peace” + maith “good.” Sithmaith was the name of 8th C. abbess of Clonburren. Sheeva.

Sláine– (SLAH-nye or SLAHN-nuh) “good health”; used in medieval times by the MacNamaras and O’Briens. Slany.

Sloane – “warrior.” One of our favorite Irish girl names as it is a great example of ancient celtic female names around still.

Sorcha – (SOO-ruh-ka or SOHR-e-khuh) Old Irish=sorchae “bright, radiant.” Popular from the Middle Ages to present and a particularly popular Irish girl names in the 1800s.

Taillte – in legend, the ta, and daughter of a Spamish king who married Eochaid of the Tuatha De Danann.

She and Lugh were honored by games in honor of the dead at Mag Taillten in County Meath.

The town is now known as Teltown on the River Blackwater. Until the 1700 and 1800s, “Teltown Marriages” were held in the ring-fort of Rath Dugh.

If, after a year and a day the couple did not wish to continue the marriage, they returned to the fort, stood with their backs to each other, and walked away. Tailltiu, Tailtiu.

Tara – (TAH-ra) “tower”; Old Irish=Temair. In legend, Temair was wife of Eremon, leader of the ancestors of the Irish, Sons of Mil. Temair gave her name to the hill of Tara, the traditional seat of Irish kingship. Teamhair (TOHR).

Teamhair– (TOHR) probably “eminence” or “elevated place.” Possible version of Tara.

Tierney– from the word meaning “noble.” Tiernan.

Tipper – “water pourer.”

Tlachtga– daughter of Mog Ruith, she traveled throughout the world with her father and learned his magic. Druids lit their Samhain fires on her mound twelve miles from Tara.

Trevina– “prudent”; feminine version of Trevor. Treva.

Troya– derived from Irish word for “foot soldier.”

Tullia– “peaceful, quiet.” Tuila, Tulliah.

Tuiren– an Otherworld woman who was Fionn’s aunt and married to Iollan, one of the Fianna.

Uathach– “specter”; daughter of Scathach, and became the mistress of Cu Chulainn after her husband died.

Una – (OO-na) from Old Irish uan “lamb.” Legendary daughter of a king of Lochlainn. Popular in Middle Ages. Oona, Oonagh One of the best female Celtic names as it is one of those Irish girl names that everyone loves.

Celtic Girl Names & Irish Girl Names - IrishWishes (4)

Irish Girl Names | Celtic Girl Names List #2:

Abaigeal– (AB-i-gel) “father’s joy.” Abigail, Abaigh, Abbie

Abigail– Anglicized also can be Irish Gobnait, reasons unclear. Pet forms: Abbie, Abbey.

Addie– Irish pet also can be Adelaide.

Affrica– (Gael) “pleasant, agreeable.” Name of a 12th Century queen of the Isle of Man, not from the continent. Africa, Afric, Afrika.

Agata– “good”; variant of Greek name Agatha.

Aghna– (EH-nuh or EE-nuh) “gentle, pure.” Irish for Agnes. Aigneis, Ina.

Ághaistín– (IrGael) cognate of Augustine, feminine also can be Latin name Augustinus. Aibhistín.

Aideen– variant of Etain.

Aifric– (A-frik) (Celt) “pleasant”; Afric, Africa, Aphria.

Aignéis– (AG-nesh) “gentle, pure.” Aghna, Agnes.

Ailbhe – (AL-vyuh) “noble, bright.” From Celtic albho, “white.” Ailbe (AL-fe), Alvy, Elva [boy’s name also]). Anglicized Alby, Albert for males. One of the best female Celtic names.

Aileen– “light”;Irish forof Eileen and/or Ellen. Ailey, Eibhlin.

Ailidh– (A-lee) “noble, kind.” Alley.

Ailís – (AY-lish) “noble, kind.” Alicia, Elsha, Ailis, Ailse, Alice. One of our favorite Irish girl names. We particularly like the version spelled Ailish.

Ailíse – also can be Alicia, which is a also can be Alice.

Allsún– also can be Alison, dim. of Alice. Allison, Allyson, Alyson.

Aimilíona– (a-mil-EE-nuh) “industrious.” Amelia.

Áine – (AN-yuh) (Celt,IrGael) “joy”, “brightness”, “fasting”, “praise”, or “radiance.” Traditional name of the queen of fairies, an important and varied role in Celtic mythology.

Also used as an Irish also can be Aina, Anne. One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Aingeal– (AN-gel) “messenger.” Irish Gaelic word for angel; and IrGael also can be Angela, the fem. also can be Latin male name Angelus. Angela.

Ainsley– “one’s own meadow”; occasionally used as a female name; probably originally a local name, either Annesley in Nottinghamshire, from Old English An “one, only” + leah “wood or clearing”; or Ansley in Warwickshire, from OE ansetl “hermitage” + leah. Ainslee.

Aisling – (ASH-ling or AH-shleeng) (IrGael) from word meaning “dream, vision, inspiration.” Adopted as a given name as part of the Irish revival in the 20th C. Aislinn, Ashling. One of our favorite Irish girl names as it is a uniquely Irish name.

Aithne– (ATH-nyuh) “fire.” Aine, Ena, Ethne.

Alana– “attractive, fair, peaceful.” Influenced by the Anglo-Irish term of endearment alannah, Gaelic a leanbh “O child.” Alaina, Alannah, Alanna.

Alastríona– (al-is-TREE-nah) “defender of mankind”; feminine also can be Alistair. Alastrina, Alastrine, Alexandra, Alexandrina.

Alby– anglicized from of Ailbhe.

Alma– (Celt) “all good”; from Latin almus “loving, good.”

Alva– Irish anglicized also can be Gaelic name Almha. Uncertain origin; earlier form Almu.

Alvy– variant of Elva.

Alyson– also can be Alice, “noble”; Allison, Allyson, Alison.

Amanda– most likely a literary invention; from Latin= “worthy of love.” Pet form: Mandy.

Ánna– (differs from native Aine) “grace.” Anne.

Anne– Anglicized also can be Irish Áine.

Annstás– (AN-stahs) “resurrection.” Anastasia.

Aodhnait– (EH-nat) ancient Irish name of unknown meaning. Enat, Ena, Eny.

Aoibheann – ((W)EE-vuhn) ancient Irish name; traditional, meaning “foar form” or “beautiful sheen.” Aoibhin, Aoibhinn, anglicized Eavan. One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Aoife – ((W)EE-fyuh) “life, beautiful, or radiant.” Of uncertain origin; probably a derivative of aoibh “beauty.” Aife, sometimes anglicized Eva. One of our favorite Irish girl names as it is a uniquely Irish name.

Areinh– (A-reen)(Gael) “pledge.”

Arlana– (Celt) “pledge.”

Arlene– “a pledge.”

Ashling– Irish anglicized also can be Aisling.

Asthore– from a stoir “loved one.”

Attracta– Irish Latinized version attractus “attracted, drawn” of Gaelic name Athracht. Saint Athracht or Attracta was a contemporary of Saint Patrick who lived as a recluse in Sligo.

Báb– (BEHB) pet name. Babe.

Baibín– Irish Gaelic pet also can be Bairbre.

Báirbre– (BAR-bruh) “a stranger.” IrGael also can be Barbara; pet form Barbara, Baibín (BAB-een).

Bébhinn– (BEH-vin or BAY-vin) be “woman” + binn “white or fair lady; sweet, melodious.” Bevin, Befind.

Benvy– “Lady of Meath.” Bean Mhi (BEN-vee).

Bernadette– (fem. of Bernard) “courage of a bear.”

Bevin– “lady with a sweet song.”

Bidelia– “high one.” Bedelia.

Blair– (Celt) “from the plain.”

Blanche– “white.”

Bláthnaid – (BLA-na) from blath “flower”, “blossom, flower-bud.” Blathnat (BLA-nat), Blaithin (BLAW-heen), Blanaid, Florence. One of our favorite Celtic girl names due to its beautiful meaning.

Blayne– from of Blaine, “thin or lean.”

Blinne– dim. of Mo-Ninne (Moninna), an Irish saint.

Brazil– “brave, strong in conflict.”

Breck– “freckled.”

Breena– “dark hair”, or “fairy palace.”

Brenna– “raven maid, dark-haired.”

Bretta – “from Britain.” Bret, Brett, Brit, Brite, Brittany, Brita.

Briana– (BREE-a-na) female also can be Brian, probably from brig, “high, noble”; might be “strong” and a variant of Brighid. Breanne, Brina, Breanna, Breann, Briona, Bryna, Bryana, Riana.

Brianna– also can be Brian; “the strong.” Briana.

Bride– “strength.” Briget, Bridget, Brietta.

Bridget – “resolute strength.” Brigit, Briggitte. One of our favorite Irish girl names as it is a uniquely Irish name.

Bríghid – (BRIDE) “strength.” Brid (BREED), Bride, Breeda, Brigid. One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Brigid– “strength.” Bridget.

Brina– “protector”, or “speckled.”

Brit– “speckled, spotted, freckled.” Version of Bretta; Britta.

Cait– (KAYT) “pure.” Variant of Caitriona; also can be Catherine. Caitlin (kayt-LEEN), Cailin (kay-LEEN or KAY-leen), Caiti (KAT-ty).

Caitlin – (KAT-leen) “pure.” Caitilin. One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Caitrín – (KAT-reen) “pure.” Caitriona, (kat-TREE-nuh) Catherine.

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Caoilfhionn– (KEE-lin) “slender, fair.” Keelin.

Caoimhe– (KEE-vy) “gentleness, beauty, grace.” Keavy. One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Cara– “friend.” Carrie, Carry.

Carmel– “vineyard.”

Cece– also can be Cecilia, “blind.”

Cecily– also can be Cecilia, “blind.”

Christine– “Christian.”

Ciannait– (KEE-nat, or KIN-nat) ancient Irish name; Kinnat, Keenat.

Ciar– (KEER) saint(s’) name; ciar “dark” or “black.” Ciara (KEE-a-ra), Ceire (KEHR), Kiera, Keara.

Cinnie– “beauty.”

Clare– “bright, clear.”

Clodagh– (KLOH-dah) name of a river in County Tipperary.

Cordelia– “jewel of the sea.”

Cristín– (KRIS-teen) “Christian.” Cristiona (kris-TEE-nuh).

Damhnait– (DEV-nat) “poet” or “fawn.” Devnet, Downet, Dymphna.

Dana– “from Denmark”; also a version of the goddess Danu.

Darcy– from French d’Arcy, meaning “from Arcy.”

Davan – also can be David, “beloved.”

Dearbháil – (DER-vahl) from From the Old Irish Derbail, may mean “daughter of Fal (Ireland)” or “daughter of a poet”; der “daughter” + Fal, an ancient name for Ireland; may also mean “true desire.”

Modern Irish Dearbháil, also written Dervla (DAYR-vla). One of our favorite Irish girl names as it is a uniquely Irish ancient Celtic name.

Deirdre– ancient Irish name, mythological herione, “young girl.” Derdriu, Deidra, Derdre.

Devnet– (Downet) “poet.”

Doireann– (DAHR-an or DOHR-en) from Old Irish Doirend, poss. meaning “daughter of Finn”; may also mean “sullen”; or dim. of “gift of God.”

In legend, Doirend was the daughter of the fairy king Midir, another was the granddaughter of the pagan god Dagda. Anglicized Dorren, Dorothy; Doirend, Doirind.

Doreen– “moody.”

Duana– “song.” Dubhain.

Dympna – (IrGael; Celtic) or Dymphna; suitable one, virgin saint. An Irish saint. Her place of martyred death is marked by a monument in Gheel, Belgium, where she had fled for her life and virtue, as her own father (an Irish king, as the story goes) was determined to wed her, his own daughter, following the death of his wife and queen (Dymphna’s natural mother).

She is traditionally the patroness of those with mental illness and nervous afflictions, but has lately been adopted (in light of her personal history) by victims of incest and other sexual abuses.

There exists a worldwide Saint Dymphna Devotion prayer community to which one may subscribe through the Franciscan Fathers.

Éadaoin– (eh-DEEN) fem. of Edwin “happy friend.” Edwina.

Edana– “ardent, flame, fiery, zealous.”

Eibhilín– (ay-LEEN) “light”; from French Aveline, brought by the Normans, and very popular among the Middle Ages’ nobility. Eibhlihin, Eily, Ebliu, Aibhilin.

Eileánóir– (EL-eh-nohr) “light.” Eleanor, Lean (LEHN).

Eileen– “bringer of light”; version of Helen. Eilene, Eleanore, Ellen, Elen, Elan, Ilene, Helen, Eily, Ellie.

Eilís – (EH-leesh) “consecrated to God.” Eilise, Elizabeth. One of our favorite Irish girl names as it is a uniquely Irish name.

Eimíle – (EM-i-lee) “industrious.” Emily.

Eithne– (AY-he-ne or ETH-nuh) “kernel or seed.” Ethna, Etney.

Elizabeth– “consecrated to God.” Elia, Lizzie, Bessie, Betsey, Betty.

Emily– “industrious.”

Ena– from the Celtic word for “fire.” Enat.

Erin – “peace.” The name for Ireland which comes from an ancient goddess whose name was Eriu. Eriu was one of the three queens of the Tuatha De Danann and daughter of the Dagda. Erina, Eryn, Eriu (ERR-I-oo). One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Erlina– Gaelic name meaning “girl from Ireland.”

Etain– “shining.”

Evelyn– “life.”

Fainche– (FAN-chuh) Saint Name. Fanny.

Fallon– “grandchild of the ruler” or “in charge.” Falen, Fallan.

Fanny– Saint Name.

Feenat– “deer.”

Fianait– (FYAN-it or FEE-nat) old Irish word for “deer.” Fionnait, Feenat.

Finola– “white shoulder.”

Fiona– (FYUN-a or FEE-nuh)(Celt) from the word finn “brillian, white, fair.” Finna, Fionn.

Fionnuala– (fi-NOO-la) also can be Fiona; “fair shoulders” or “white, fair.” Fionnula, Finola, Nuala.

Gemma– (JEM-ma) “precious stone.”

Glynis– “valley.”

Gormghlaith– (GOR-em-lee) “blue lady.” Gormly.

Gráinne – (GROH-nyuh) “sun” or “sun goddess” or “grace, love”; ancient name borne by 16th Century queen. Grania. One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Guennola– from the Celtic word meaning “white.”

Gwendolyn– “white brow.” Pet form: Gwen.

Gweneth– “fair.”

Helen – “light.” Nell, Lena, Neill.

Hilde– “battle maid”; name of Irish abbess. Hildy.

Íde – (EED-uh) “thirSaint” Ida, Ita.

Ina-Irish forof Agnes.

Isibéal– (ISH-a-behl) “consecrated to God.” Isabel.

Juliane– “youthful.” Jill, Jillian, Gill, Gillian, Sheila.

Kacey– “brave.” Kacy.

Kassidy– “clever.”

Kathleen– “pure.” Katharine, Kathryn, Kathie, Kate.

Keara– from a saint name.

Keavy– “gentleness, beauty, grace.”

Keelin– “slender, fair.” Keely, Keelia.

Keira– “black haired.”

Kelly– “warrior woman”; “farm by the spring” Kellie, Kelli, Kaley.

Kennocha– (ken-OH-kuh) “beauty.”

Kerry – “dark, dark-haired.” Keriann. One of our favorite Celtic girl names due to its nod to the Kingdom County.

Kiana– from Quiana; “soft, synthetic material.”

Kiara– “small and dark.”

Kiley– “attractive, good looking.” Kyli, Kylee.

Kinnat– “ancient.” Keenat.

Labhaoise– (LAU-ee-shuh) “holiness.” Louisa, Louise.

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Lasairíona– (las-a-REE-nuh) from lasaire “flame” + fion “wine”; Lassarina, Lasairfhiona,.

Lavena– from the Celtic word for “joy.”

Liadan– (LYAH-dan) From the Old Irish, probably meaning “gray lady.” A poetess who was the beloved of poet Cuirithur, even though she was a nun.

Another Liadan was the mother of Saint Ciaran of Seir. He was conceived after she swallowed a star that had fallen into her mouth while sleeping.

Lil– pet also can be Elizabeth. Lile (LIL-ee), Lilly, Lelia.

Lucy– “bringer of light.”

Luighseach– (LOO-seh or LEE-sak) “bringer of light”; feminine also can be Lugh, and name of an early saint. Luighseach, Lucy.

Máda– (MEH-duh) from Mathilde.

Madailéin– (MAD-e-lehn) Magdalene. Madeline, Maighdlin (MEHD-leen).

Maeve – (MEHV) “fragile.” Meave, Meaveen. One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Maille– also can be Molly, from Mary; “the perfect one.”

Máire – (MAW-zhe, MAW-re or MEH-ree) “bitter”; Irish also can be Mary.

The name was considered too sacred to name a child and was not used before the 17th C. Children were given Mael Muire “devotee of Mary.” Moira, Maura, Maurya, Mairin (maw-REEN).

One of our favorite Irish girl names as it is a uniquely Irish name as everyone knows a Maire.

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Máiréad– (MAW-rayt or MAW-reed) from Greek margaron “pearl.” Popular due to admiration of Saint Margaret, queen of Scots in 11th C. Peig, Peigi are popular Irish-language nicknames. Margaret, Maighread (MEH-reed). One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Mairsil– fem. of Marcel “warlike.” Marcella, Mairsile.

Maitilde– “battle maiden.” Matilda, Maiti, Matty.

Mallaidh– (MAL-ee) “bitter.” Molly, May.

Margaret– “a pearl.” Maggie, Meg, Meggy

Marsali– “a pearl.”

Marta– “bitter.”

Maureen– from the Celtic word for “great.” Moreen.

Mave– “mirth.”

Mavelle– from the Celtic word for “songbird”. Mavie.

Meadghbh– (MEEV) “agile.” Meaveen, Mabbina.

Meagan– a variation of Medb.

Meara– “merry.”

Melva– from the Celtic word for “chief”; “mill worker”; also can be Melvin.

Melvina– (Celt) “cheiftain.”

Meriel– “shining sea.” Meriol, Muriel.

Mhari– (VAH-ri) Irish/Old Gaelic. Variation of Maire.

Michaela– feminine also can be Michael.

Mide– (MEE-duh) variant of Ide. Meeda.

Moira– “the great.”

Mona– (MOH-na) from From the Old Irish Muadnat, derived from muad “noble, good.” Saint Muadnat of Drumcliffe. Muadnat, Muadhnait (MOO-uh-nit).

Moncha– “adviser.” Monika.

Mór– (MOHR) “great.” Moire, More.

Morgan– “sea dweller.”

Morna– from muirne “beloved, affection.”

Moya– “great.”

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Muireann – (MEER-an or MOHR-in) “of the long hair”; from Old Irish muir “sea”, may also mean “sea-white” or “sea-fair.” Wife of Finn mac Cumhaill’s son Oisin.

A legendary Queen Muireann was ancestrss of the kings of Connacht.

Four abbesses of Kildare also had this name. Morrin. One of our favorite Irish girl names as it is a uniquely Irish name and a beautifully pronounced name.

Muirgheal– (MOHR-e-guhl) “sea-bright” or “sea-fair.” Muirgel, Murel, Muriel.

Murphey– “sea warrior.” Murphy.

Niamh – “bright.” One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Nainsi– (NAN-see) “grace.” Nancy, Nance, Nan.

Noel– “born at Christmas.”

Nóra– (NOH-ra) “honor”; version of the Latin name Honoria. Nora, Honora.

Noreen– (IrGael) Irish spelling of Nora or Eleanor.

Nuala – short also can be Fionnuala.

Odharnait– (OHR-nat) “pale, olive-colored.” Ornait, Orna, Ornat, Odarnat from the word for “otter” or word for “sallow female.”

Oilbhe – (OL-iv) Irish spelling of Olive. One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Onora– version of Honora.

Oona– “one”; version of Una. Oonagh, Ona.

Orghlaith– (OHR-e-lath) from a word meaning “golden lady”; Orlaithe, Orla.

Ornóra– “honor.” Honor, Honora.

Paili– (PAHL-ee) “bitter.” Polly, Poll, Pal.

Patricia– “noble.”

Pegeen– “a pearl.”

Philomena– “powerful friend.”

Proinnséas– (PRON-sheh-uhs) “free.” Frances, Fanny. Ranait – (RAN-eh) “grace, prosperity.” Renny.

Regan– “royal.” Reganne, Regeen.

Regina– “queen.”

Renny– “grace; prosperity.”

Richeal– (RICH-ehl) name of a saint.

Rigru Roisclethan– the queen of Been Edair, a place in the Otherworld. When Conn Cetchathach was about to kill her son at Tara, she appeared as a wailing woman.

Riley– “valiant.” Rileigh, Rylie, Rylee.

Ríoghnach– (REE-nuh) Irish saint. Riona, Regina.

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Riomthach– one of the five sisters of Saint Colman of County Cork. Riofach.

Riona– (REE-nuh) from the word for “saint”; saint name; also can be Regina, “queen.”

Rita– dim. of Margaret, “a pearl.”

Róise– (ROH-shuh) “rose.” Rose, Roisin (ROH-sheen).

Rosemary – combination of Rose and Mary.

Rowena– derived from the word meaning “white mane” or “white hair”; might be “slender and fair.”

Sadhbh – (SAH-eev or SAYV) Fr. Old Irish Sadb, prob. meaning “sweet” or “goodness.”

Name of several real Irish princesses, including daughters of Conn of the Hundred Battles, Queen Medb of Connacht, and King Brian Boru. Sive, Sadhbba, Sadbh, Sabhbh, Sabha (SE-va). One of our favorite Celtic girl names due to how hard it is to pronounce 🙂

Sarah– “princess”; or also can be Sorcha (Old Irish) “clear, bright.”

Sean– “god’s gracious gift.”

Séarlait– (SHEHR-let) Irish spelling of French-Norman Charlotte, “petite, feminine.”

Selia– variant of Sheila.

Seosaimhthín– (SHOH-sa-veen) Irish spelling of Josephine, “god will add.” Seosaimhin.

Shannon – (SHAH-non) “wise one”; name of the longest river in Ireland, from the old Irish goddess Sinann, granddaughter of Manannan Mac Lir.

Not used as a first name in Ireland. Shanna. One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Shawn– “god’s gracious gift.”

Shea– variant spelling of Irish sidhe (shee) “fairy palace”; might be “hawk-like, stately.” Shae, Shealy, Shay.

Sheelah– “blind, gray eyes.” Sheila, Shelagh, Sheelagh, Shiela, Sheilag.

Sheena – “god’s gracious gift” Shena.

Sheila– “blind.” Sheela.

Síle– (SHEE-la) “blind.” Cecilia, Cicily, Celia, Selia, Sheila, Sheela.

Sinéad– (SHEE-naid) “gracious.” Jane, Janey, Sine.

Siobhán – (shuh-VAHN) “gracious.” Joan, Hannah. One of our favorite Celtic girl names due to how difficult it is to say for non-Irish people 🙂

Sissy– also can be Cecilia, “blind.”

Sive– “sweet.”

Sláine– (SLAHN-nuh) “health.” Slany.

Sorcha– (SOHR-e-khuh or SOO-ruh-ka) “bright, radiant.” Sarah, Sally.

Steise– (STEH-shuh) dim. of Annstas (Gr) “resurrection.”

Súsanna– “lily.”

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Sybil– dim. of Elizabeth. Sibby, Sibi, Siobaigh (shuh-BEH).

Tara – “tower, crag.” One of our favorite Celtic girl names due to its connection with the Hill of Tara.

Tessie– per also can be Teresa, “harvester.”

Theneva– (prob. Irish Gaelic) Saint Theneva, with her son, Saint Kentigern (Mungo) the patron saints of Glasgow. Might be also: Theneu, Thenu, and Denw. The daughter of a Pictish king.

Toiréasa– (toh-REH-suh) Irish also can be Teresa “harvester.” Theresa, Tessie.

Treasa – “strength”; used as an equivalent of Teresa, but no connection. Treise, Toiréasa. One of our favorite Celtic girl names.

Ula– (Celt) “sea jewel” or “gem of the sea.” Uli, Ulicia.

Úna – (OO-nuh) derived from old word uan “lamb”; also listed as “unity”; ancient Irish name; the O’Carroll family had a bean sidhe (banshee) with this name.

Winifred, Uny, Oona, Unity. One of our favorite Irish girl names as it is beautiful.

Ursula– “little bear.”

Vanessa– “butterfly.”

Vevina– also can be Gaelic Bébhinn, “sweet lady.”

Vivienne– from Latin= “living.”

Irish girl names are specific to Ireland and often have roots in the Gaelic language.

Celtic names, on the other hand, refer to a broader group of names from the Celtic regions, including Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and parts of France.

While Irish names are considered Celtic, not all Celtic names are Irish.

Certainly! Popular Irish girl names might include Aoife, Siobhán, Caoimhe, and Niamh.

Some widely-used Celtic names encompassing other regions might include Isla (Scottish), Rhiannon (Welsh), and Morgana (Breton).

Many names have beautiful meanings and historical significance in Celtic cultures.

Many Irish and Celtic names have rich meanings. For example, the Irish name Aoife means “beautiful, radiant,” and Siobhán translates to “God’s grace.”

In Welsh, the name Rhiannon is linked to a mythical goddess and means “divine queen.”

Understanding the meanings can provide insight into the culture and history behind these names.

The pronunciation of Irish and Celtic names can sometimes be challenging due to unique spelling and phonetic rules.

It’s often helpful to consult pronunciation guides or native speakers to understand the correct pronunciation of these beautiful names.

Finding authentic names can be achieved through various resources, including online name databases, books about Celtic mythology and culture, and speaking with people from Celtic regions.

Engaging with native speakers and cultural experts can ensure that you understand the pronunciation, meaning, and cultural significance of the name you choose.

Celtic Girl Names & Irish Girl Names - IrishWishes (2024)


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