Should I be concerned? Negative test but still no period - May 2022 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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Should I be concerned? Negative test but still no period - May 2022 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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Hi! I exclusively pump which I know messed up cycles but I’ve had my period since October and it’s always been 26-27 day cycle. I am now on day 29, so technically 2 days late for my period, but I’ve taken 5 pregnancy test and they’re all so clearly negative. Is there a cause for concern? Should I run to the doctor?

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Here’s photos of one of the tests I took this AM

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Should I be concerned? Negative test but still no period - May 2022 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (18)


I weaned off of pumping this month and according to my app I’m over 2 weeks “late”. ����‍♀️ I also took a test to be sure on St Patrick’s Day. Negative.

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do you think youre late because you weaned off of because of the pumping still messing it up?

I’ve had my period since October and the cycle has been 26-27 days consistently, this is the first time it’s late so I’m not sure pumping would affect it this much later? I don’t know.

But now I’m looking at photos people are posting of their tests and I only see one clear line but people are commenting saying they see 2 so I’m like am I just not seeing it? But my husband didn’t either

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Yes I do. I even googled it. Haha. Said it was because of the change in hormones with weaning. ����‍♀️

It finally arrived yesterday.

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I wouldn’t be concerned yet. Even if your cycles are pretty regular, and even if they’ve been regular since you got it back, there’s still a good chance your hormones aren’t back to normal yet and this can mess up your cycles. Lots of other things can too - have you been sick recently? I know for me that can throw off my cycle.

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no�� nothing has changed and I haven’t been sick for a very long time

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So I can’t be pregnant you think, right? ��

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I think it's negative. I was exclusively pumping until a couple weeks ago. I got my cycle once when I dropped overnight pumps, and then not again until I dropped to just 3 a day. I'd say it's still just everything normalizing. I took a few tests myself bc I was having migraines and heartburn which are my 2 main pregnancy symptoms but it was negative and got my period about a week later. I know waiting is tough, especially if you want to do things like enjoy a night out or whatever, but I'd say test again in a few days if it still doesn't come and you'll probably be able to tell for sure then, one way or another.

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it always takes a while for periods to get fully regulated again after having a baby, breastfeeding or not. Mine are generally pretty regular within a few days I know when it's coming. I had one cycle since having my son where I was 2 weeks late and definitely not pregnant. Otherwise I am regular. It happens on occasion 🤷🏼‍♀️ I personally wouldn't worry about it you will likely get your period in the next few days. If it's been another 5 days or so with no period then maybe test again and if it's still negative I think it's definitely safe to say you aren't pregnant! Remember too stress/too much worrying can mess with your cycles.

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I had this happen in November. I got my period back 8 weeks pp, so July. I was super regular, way more regular than usual, and then in November my period was 3 weeks late. After that, it went back to normal. My doctor said it can just happen during this time and it’s not a concern. I took like 10 pregnancy tests and all were negative. I’m EBF.

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I logged my period as if it happened on time and then looked at when it predicted I would ovulate and went based on that then just deleted the period so the tracking was accurate. I think the strips are helpful just to give you more confidence that you really did ovulate. My doctor recommended them when we were trying for our May baby and they helped.

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Should I be concerned? Negative test but still no period - May 2022 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (80)


I am combo feeding and got my period back at 6 months. Had two regular cycles 28/29 days and then my next one was a 37 day. The next two have both been back to 28/29. Not sure why. I’m very regular but I suppose breastfeeding / pumping means they can be a bit irregular.

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Should I be concerned? Negative test but still no period - May 2022 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (87)


So I had a similar experience, except I stopped breastfeeding and pumping at 4 months. My cycles have always been crazy, for example my last 3 cycles have been: 30 days then 25 days then 35 days. I was 5 days late and pregnancy test kept being negative but finally on the 6th day of it being late it started.

I’d give it a few days but maybe because I’m used to my cycles being absolutely crazy.

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thank you!!

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I don’t think there’s any reason to be super concerned with a two day late period. Especially if you’re pumping.

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